It is not bad to watch porn

By watching porn, a man gets sexually independent of women. By watching porn and masturbating, a man has a natural behavior. On the other hand, drinking alcohol is not natural because alcohol is a poison to the human’s body. Sex can’t be a bad thing. You can’t die from masturbation while you can die from alcohol. If sex was a bad thing for men, you would die from sex.

I strongly disagree with the MGTOW’s (angry MGTOW), the neo-machos (Roosh V)  and the neo-traditionalists (Gavin McInnes) who are against porn. The neo-traditionalists like the neo-machos, the neo-traditional radical muslims, the neo-radical christians, the feminists, the no-faps want all to see you sexually frustrated to better control you. People who are against masturbation and porn are also against your freedom. What you do with your body is none of their business. 

Porn and masturbation is a man’s right

Masturbation is a basic male freedom. No one is legitimate to tell you how your sexuality should be. Watching porn isn’t a disease. It is a right. It is your privacy. The act of masturbating in front of porn videos isn’t a disease, it is a natural act.  We can’t talk about addiction because a sexual behavior is natural. We can’t compare a drug addict or an alcoholic to someone who loves porn. Porn does not make a man die early. Porn does not disaggregate a man’s health. Porn has no consequences on the family or on the society. In fact, It is the other way around, porn helps to feel good. It releases the sexual tension out of your body.

Don’t feel guilty to watch porn and masturbate because it is natural.

I have found something strange about this problem. In France and in the USA, I noticed that it was not the local priest, imam or the local rabbi who made endless speeches against porn. Today, the movement against porn comes from women. 

Women against porn

A significant number of women condemn porn. Women fight porn because they want to sexually control men. If you could not masturbate and if you would be forced to only have sex with women, men would be women to have sex or men would beg women to marry in order to have sex.

Let me explain to you how it is working. A man watches porn and masturbates watching porn. Afterward, he meets local women. In this situation, the said man will not run after those women to have sex because he already masturbated. This man is going to be rational before getting committed to a woman thanks to porn. The man will be able to see whether the woman is a threat or not.

Also, wives are scared of porn because porn diverts men away from women. Women use sex to control men. Without this control, women lose their control over men.

Today’s real enemy of porn are women; not religious institutions. That’s why porn is a danger to women.

Some women would like their husband or their boyfriend to be a slave in the relationship. Without porn, men would be forced to accept the rules of women if they want to have sex. It means they would be forced to get married so that the woman could take advantage of the husband’s money.